simply, disappear

Today was breathtaking.

I actually took a moment.

A moment to enjoy the essence of life. Being able to take a step back from everything and sit with who I really am. We all play these roles in life, what happens when you’re with yourself and the titles fall off? What happens when that mask comes off and you look in the mirror at the person you’ve become. Who are you really at your core?

In those times, when you’re alone and you get to exhale from all the other drama chaos out in the world.

I took some time to actually be myself. Not the daughter, mother, business owner, friend…just be me. I thoroughly enjoyed ME. I took the time to cater to myself, see what kind of things I think about, understand why I react to certain things, and create new thoughts and new ideas.

Throughout all the chaos of everyday life, we are influenced by our surroundings, and our decisions are made by what we see and experience. In order to, reboot, there has to be a withdrawal. That includes everything and everyone.

I know some of you may be saying well, I can’t because I have a job, or I have a family. None of these excuses, yes EXCUSES have anything to do with YOU. Every day and every moment is a decision YOU make to better yourself.

Many of my clients will tell you, that I’m very adamant about self-love full circle. I hold them accountable to their goal. I push hard.

  • Who are you without your group of friends?

  • Who are you without the everyday gossip that wastes your time instead of you working on yourself?

  • Who are you without your marriage?

  • Who are you outside of religion?

  • Who are you without Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok or Snapchat?

  • Who are you without money?

  • Who are you without your family?

  • Who are you without sex?

  • Who are you with your 9 to 5 routine job?

  • Who are you without the fancy car and chains?

    who the hell are you?!

You are only one person at a time. Don’t lose yourself. You can’t be your best self if you never take the time to discover it.

So, disappear. Go find yourself and come back and be a better elevated YOU.

Just take the time. NOW!

Here’s to your continued elevation and the luxurious life that awaits.

With abundance and grace,

Ms Black, Luxury Life Coach

Shanelle Black

CEO of Queen Luxury Lifestyle LLC, Accomplished Amazon Author, Luxury Women's Empowerment Advocate, and Private Life Coach Inspiring Positive Transformations

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