Do Your Own Research

There’s a simple truth here—learning to trust yourself and gather your own knowledge is incredibly empowering, and it can be a game changer. If you rely too much on others to guide you, you might be walking a path that’s longer and harder than it needs to be. Their advice, however well-intended, is based on their experiences, not necessarily what’s best for you.

I want to share a personal story that taught me this lesson firsthand. Early in my journey, I was building a project that felt overwhelming. I reached out to someone experienced who I admired, and they offered me a detailed plan on how to achieve it. I was excited, of course, and eager to follow their steps because they’d seen success.

So, I committed to their plan and spent the next three years working on it, believing that I was on the best possible path. But eventually, I realized that I could’ve achieved my goal in a fraction of that time. When I finally stepped back to reflect and do some independent research, I found tools, strategies, and resources that I hadn’t even known about. With the information I gathered myself, I saw that I could have reached my goal in just six months rather than three years.

This experience taught me that no one else can know exactly what will work best for you. Everyone’s journey is different, and while advice can help us avoid some pitfalls, it's never a substitute for firsthand knowledge. When you do your own research, you discover things that are suited to your strengths, resources, and needs, which can make your path shorter and smoother.

Being intentional about seeking out your own information gives you a sense of direction that’s rooted in your own understanding. It sharpens your intuition and gives you confidence. So, as you move forward on your journey, make it a priority to balance guidance from others with your own research. That blend of advice and self-discovery is what leads to real, lasting success.

Shanelle Black

CEO of Queen Luxury Lifestyle LLC, Accomplished Amazon Author, Luxury Women's Empowerment Advocate, and Private Life Coach Inspiring Positive Transformations

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